With a move, there is always a lot of paperwork and administration to complete. Your vehicle insurance isn't one to put off. Here's some insight on addressing your auto insurance needs during a move.
How Long Do You Have to Change Your Insurance?
Check with your new state's DMV to see when you need to change your insurance. It could be as little as 10 days from your move in some states. You will also need to get your driver's license, registration, and other vehicle documents changed to the new state within a short window of time.
What Can Happen if You Don't Change Your Insurance?
If your auto insurance company finds out that you didn't change your insurance to your new state, and you get into an accident, the paperwork could be complicated with getting insurance coverage. Plus, if you get pulled over, and your police officer sees that your license is in-state but your insurance is out of state, you could have some explaining to do. Really, you don't want to leave yourself in some legal gray area when it comes to your auto insurance; get it switched as soon as you can.
What Will Change with Your New Insurance?
Getting auto insurance in a new state may require you to change your coverage limits. For example, the new state might have different requirements in terms of minimum property damage or injury liability coverage. When you speak with an auto insurance agent, they should immediately know the coverage minimum in your new state. Your new insurance premiums may be higher or lower; it could work the opposite way, and you could be able to get rid of coverage you were previously required to have in your own state.
Whether it's wise to lower your coverage is another story. Also consider that certain types of insurance could be cheaper in your new state; for instance, if the freeways or neighborhoods are safer, you could get lower rates on collision or comprehensive coverage.
Should You Switch Insurance Companies?
You should at least consider your auto insurance options if you are moving to another state. You are dealing with a whole new ball park, and the most affordable insurance agencies may differ in your new state. You may have entirely new options that weren't available in your old state. You might be stuck on a contract with your current insurance company and not want to break it just now. But the next chance you get, definitely look into the auto insurance options through sites like http://www.coastcompins.com. You could save yourself hundreds per year.