Do you ever feel like you are paying too much for your auto insurance coverage? If so, you might be, and a great way to find out is by performing an annual rate check every year. An annual rate check can help you make sure you have the right coverage for your needs and that you are not overpaying for it. Here are several things you should know about annual rate checks.
You Can Start with Your Own Insurance Company
A good place to start with an annual rate check is with the company you are currently using for your insurance coverage, and you can do this by calling them and speaking with an agent. When you call, tell the agent you are calling to make sure you have the right coverage on your policy, and that you are also calling to find out if there are any ways for you to save money on your policy.
During this phone call, the agent may ask you a series of questions to find out if there have been any changes in your life during the last year. For example, if you got married during the last year, you may now qualify for a discount on your policy. If you moved to a new house, you might also qualify. After looking into your entire situation, the agent will calculate a quote to see if it lowers your payments. If so, you may want to take advantage of this, but you should also consider calling other companies too.
You Can Check with Other Companies
Secondly, during an annual rate check, you could call other insurance companies to check what their rates are. When you do this, be sure to give them the exact coverage information from your current policy. This includes coverage amounts, types of coverage, and deductible amounts. From this information, other companies can calculate quotes for you, and you will easily be able to compare the quotes because they will all offer the same coverage.
Calling around to several insurance companies is a great way to find out if you are overpaying for your insurance coverage, and it is a great way to save money. This is a habit you should develop each year as a way of keeping your expenses as low as possible.
If you are ready to begin performing an annual rate check, gather up your current insurance documents and contact several personal auto insurance companies to ask for quotes.