Should You Get SR-22 Insurance If You Don't Have A Car?

If you are a high-risk driver, there is a chance that you may need SR-22 coverage. If you do, the DMV or court will let you know. They will send you a letter that tells you the details about it, and you must follow the instructions. You might be wondering, though, if you need it if you don't have a vehicle. If this is something you're wondering, here are a few things you should know.

The Details of the Letter

The first thing to understand is the instructions you must follow, and you can find these in the letter you receive. The letter will include three main elements:

  1. It will tell you that you must purchase SR-22 to continue driving.
  2. It will tell you the due date of the SR-22 insurance coverage.
  3. It will tell you the consequences of not purchasing the policy by the due date.

Additionally, you should know the time requirement for the coverage. Most people that need SR-22 must have it for three years. There are times when people need it for shorter times, but three years is the average.

You Can Select from Two Types of SR-22 Policies

There are two types of SR-22 policies you can choose from if you need this coverage. The first type is for people who own vehicles. This type of policy provides you with SR-22 coverage for the vehicle you insure. The agency bases the insurance costs on your driving record and on the vehicle you own.

The second type is for people who do not own cars. This type of SR-22 policy is a nonowner's plan. It provides the SR-22 coverage requirement for you without insuring a vehicle. It will cost less for a policy like this because you do not own a car.

Why You Need the Coverage in Either Case

Whether you own a car or not, you need SR-22 coverage protection in this situation. Therefore, you should buy a plan in either case. The purpose of buying SR-22 coverage, even if you don't own a vehicle, is to satisfy the requirements the court or DMV set for you. If you must have coverage for three years, you will not be able to keep your license or get it back if you don't follow this.

If you have questions about SR-22 coverage or need a quote soon, contact an insurance company that offers SR-22 insurance policies.

400 Words

About Me

Finding Better Insurance Do you remember the last time you experienced an accident or an injury? Life can surprise you sometimes, which is why it is always smart to have a few life insurance policies in place. I used to think about everything that I had and everything that I could lose, and it occurred to me that I couldn't risk taking any chances. I wanted to begin this blog to share my perspective with other people, so that you don't have to worry about finding the right insurance company. Read more here to figure out what you need to do to choose a better plan.




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